Tag Archives: didactics and assisted reality

Augmented reality and the medical sector: the NHS Foundation Trust case study

Assisted and augmented reality viewers are changing the way medical education and clinical practice is...

Classrooms of the Future: benefits of augmented classrooms

“Augmented classrooms”: from the interactive whiteboard to today’s and future perspectives, possible technologies contemplated in...

Not just smart glasses: 6 epic failures to learn from

Smart glasses, futuristic cars, electric pens and beauty masks. What do they have in common?...

Augmented reality in medicine: a revolution in medical education

For several years, augmented reality (AR) has become a landmark in the evolution of modern...

Beyond textbooks: the evolution of education through augmented reality

Once upon a time, there was the textbook. Pages suffered and consumed by students and...

Assisted Reality and inclusive learning: new opportunities in schools

Assisted reality offers schools unique opportunities to renew teaching, strengthen the role of teachers, and...

Guide to innovative teaching with Augmented Reality: how to engage students

Intelligence is not what one knows, but what one does when one does not know....

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