Fastbrain Engineering S.r.l. does not offer you a standard solution to simply distribute your products, but is committed to helping you develop a real business strategy to succeed in the Italian market.

With Fastbrain Engineering S.r.l. you rely on a central player in the Italian ICT distribution market and you will have at your disposal competent and experienced professionals who will be able to advise and assist you in the best possible way.

Your brand recognition is also Our success, and for this reason one of Fastbrain Engineering S.r.l.’s primary goals, when it comes to weaving a primary distribution relationship with its Suppliers, is to develop Brand Identity.

Working in the world of technology product distribution also means keeping up with the times, and it is for this reason that Fastbrain Engineering S.r.l. works in the Digital field to develop Digital Marketing strategies with the goal of maximizing sales.

Engineering Ltd.

Operational headquarters:
Cascinotto Road, 132
10156 - Turin

Tel 011.0376.054

Contact us for information and inquiries by filling out the form below.

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